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A Twisted Gears Studios Production


Venturing the cosmos is hard work. For Lorell, Klip-Tik, Flinch and Grek, it's also a thankless job. If the monsters, supernovas, universe ending paradoxes, ancient Gods, robots, poisons, or homicidal pirates don't end them, then Grek's flying surely will...

Feb 16, 2021

Log Entry 02.15 - Me Myself and Grek - SPACERS

With Grek having offered himself to the tesseract, we delve into Grek's psyche and what exactly he has to give up for his friends...

#TheTwistedGear, #tabletop, #ymm, #ymmarts, #ymmgeek, #tabletoprpg, #rpg, #rpggame, #starfinder, #starfinderrpg, #spacers

Feb 2, 2021

Log Entry 02.14 - For The Good of The Crew - SPACERS

The crew try to cover their tracks with the Tesseract out of "The Seven's" reach.  Now one of the must make a difficult choice...

#TheTwistedGear, #tabletop, #ymm, #ymmarts, #ymmgeek, #tabletoprpg, #rpg, #rpggame, #starfinder, #starfinderrpg, #spacers