Mar 16, 2021
Log Entry 02.17 - Home Sweet Home - SPACERS
Grek returns to the group, the same but also... changed. His memories of alternate and present lives coming together as he tries to prepare his friends for what's to come.
This is also our last episode before going on our second hiatus... We'll be back soon!
Mar 2, 2021
Log Entry 02.16 - A Time Worn Edict
Grek has spent an unknown amount of time to the Tesseract. Now it's time to reap the benefits from the time paid... It just might be a painful message...
#TheTwistedGear, #tabletop, #ymm, #ymmarts, #ymmgeek, #tabletoprpg, #rpg, #rpggame, #starfinder, #starfinderrpg, #spacers